Sunday, August 7, 2011

Poison Control Triumph

I almost forgot a huge triumph today!  I am a survivor of cyanide poisoning!  So here's the story.

I cut open a peach today and the pit split in half.  I was THRILLED to be seeing the inside of a peach pit because this is something I've never seen before.  To my surprise, there was a nut inside that looked JUST like an almond.  (By the way, all of this may very well be common knowledge, but it was new to me, so humor me.)   It didn't have much of a smell, so naturally I wanted to taste it to see if it tasted like an almond!  I bit in and chewed it up just enough to realize it was atrociously bitter and spit it out.  The weird thing was that the after taste was very reminiscent of almond extract.  I consulted the internet to learn about this mysterious nut, and it turns out that 1) peaches and almonds are indeed related, and 2) the nut inside of a peach pit has cyanide in it!  Yikes!  That's the last time I bite into something without knowing what it is!

(Of course, the amount of cyanide in that nut is not enough to hurt me, and the bitterness prevented me from actually ingesting it, but I can't help it if it makes me feel triumphant to think that I survived cyanide poisoning.)

Zumba Triumph

Uh oh!  I've discovered Zumba videos on YouTube!  They are SUPER fun and I plan to utilize them to the fullest.

I was hoping that my chocolate chip cookies made with applesauce as a butter/oil substitute would be today's triumph, but since I didn't think they weren't that tasty, Zumba YouTube it is!

Here's one to get you started ;-)

I'm pretty sure I'll have that lady's abs in no time, but that's a triumph for another day...

August 5, 2011 Triple Triumph

August 5,  2011 was a day of many triumphs!  Most importantly, it marked four years since the day Josh and I first (and finally) got together!  It's been a magical four years, but the funny thing is, knowing now that we'll be together our whole lives and celebrating so many higher numbers, four seems so puny!  But we know that it is a triumph, especially considering the distance that separated us for so much of that time.  I hung up a bunch of pictures in the bathroom to surprise Josh and it was a wonder to go through all of them and think of all the fun we've shared :-)

For our anniversary, Josh had not only left flowers to greet me in the morning but had also planned a PERFECT evening.  We started with an Irish dinner and drinks at Ri Ra, an Irish pub, enjoying the sounds of a live Irish trad!  Without going too far into it, this is more or less how our whole relationship began, so it was perfect ;-)  From there we walked down the street to The Palace, a beautiful old Louisville theater, to watch Jimmy Stewart in the 1950 classic, "Harvey."

I can't say enough good things about this experience.  The theater was stunning, the movie was everything a good old movie should be, and it was such a rare joy to enjoy that film as part of an audience that is so engaged in the movie.  Because of the sound and the layout of the theater, we felt especially connected to the audience.  The laughs were so loud, and the audience cheered more than once for Jimmy Stewart, which just made me so happy.  Here's a wonderful clip if you are a "Harvey" fan or if you've never seen it.

The movie is so clever and has such a beautiful sentiment behind it, and Friday night sealed it into my Top 10.  The Palace is showing Jimmy Stewart movies all summer, so we're planning on seeing "Rear Window" next weekend.  What a great Louisville discovery!

The other August 5, 2011 triumph, to go along with the anniversary and the movie experience, was that it was the halfway mark of my first clinical!  Things are going great and I feel lucky to be working with such a great staff, even if it's only temporary.  I've certainly had ups and downs, but the important thing is that I'm learning, I'm meeting great people, and I'm enjoying the work I do every day.