Sunday, July 31, 2011

Health Fair Triumph

This weekend's triumph is having a body that does what it's supposed to do, with working parts and systems that generally keep me running with little difficulty.  Josh and I stumbled upon a tiny health fair in the parking lot of a church not far from our house, so we decided to check it out.  First of all, the people were so kind and for some reason just tickled that we are engaged.  For the 20 minutes we were there it felt like we were all great friends.  Anyway, Josh and I got our blood pressure and blood sugar taken and then stepped on a magic scale that read your muscle mass, water percentage, bone mass, daily caloric intake, and next year's horoscope.  Okay maybe not the last one.   The one that really baffled me was the daily caloric intake - how does that scale know that?  I was a little skeptical.  But all in all, what I'm really writing to report is that Josh and I had healthy to normal levels of all the measures taken!  Hooray!  

Josh and I both spend a lot of time around people whose levels are all out of whack, whether because they've made poor health choices or simply because they were dealt a raw hand.  It seems that almost everyone who comes into the rehab center is Diabetic and on blood pressure medication, so we know we need to be careful to take care of ourselves.  But it's nice to know that for now, at 26 and 27, we have healthy levels and our bodies are working the way they are supposed to be working.  Not everyone can say that.

In addition, today marks the first day I started taking my Calcium and Vitamin D pills regularly!  Josh has been bugging me about this and he's right, I need to take them.  So I started today and I intend to make it another healthy habit...With daily reminders from Josh.  ;-)

Saturday, July 23, 2011

A Triumphant Return

So, it turns out I'm a horrible blogger!  I haven't posted anything for several weeks, and although I have excuses, none of them are good ones.  So I'm back with renewed commitment to blog my Daily Triumphs as often as I can.  To get myself back in the game, I'm going with a recap of some of the past few weeks' triumphs:

1.  I've had a couple successful culinary creations!  First was a concoction of sauteed spinach, mushrooms, and garlic, garbanzo beans, quinoa, and...goat cheese!  The goat cheese definitely put it over the edge and it tasted delicious.  The second was something I've been meaning to try for a while and a veggie-crazy co-worker's birthday presented the perfect opportunity: beet chocolate cake!  The texture of the cake was absolutely perfect, and although it could have stood a touch more chocolate, I thought it was fantastic.  I made a peanut butter frosting that was fluffy and delicious and I was quite proud of the end product :-)

2.  Progress at work!  Although a handful of my days at fieldwork have felt woefully absent of any triumphs at all, I'm trying to stay true to the spirit of my blog and focus on the successes.  And I feel myself making progress.   The biggest triumph has been forging a positive relationship with a very difficult patient who never wants to do therapy.  I haven't had to cancel any sessions with her which feels like a miracle, so that's definitely a triumph.  Also, after a particularly lousy day I initiated a meeting with my supervisor to talk about the things I'd like to work on, and I consider that another good triumph.

3. I remembered to send my sister a present for her 30th birthday!  It's in the mail!  I am horrible about these kinds of things so I'm pretty impressed with myself on this one.

If I can keep this going, I'd like to make my big brother's awesome twitter idea a reality so other people can start sharing their own daily triumphs, but first I think I need to really get on the ball with the blog.  In the meantime, do any of you have a daily triumph you'd like to share with me?  I'd love to hear!